JUNE 13/14, 2013: We had exciting speakers and workshops at our 25th Annual Meeting & Conference
The New Mexico Coalition for Literacy hosts its Annual Meeting and Conference in various locations throughout New Mexico. It is an opportunity for adult literacy students, tutors, boards of directors, and literacy program personnel to connect for inspiration and resources. We offered speakers and workshops during the day of interest to the literacy community, and we welcomed you the day before at an early evening reception. We also recognized the State’s most distinguished pillars of literacy with awards. Our members met to learn about the year’s activities and to vote on any matters of importance.
The 2013 Annual Meeting and Conference was held on June 13 and 14. The Welcoming Reception was on June 13 and the Annual Meeting and Conference was on June 14.

2011 Annual Meeting & Conference, June 16 & 17, 2011, Hotel Encanto, Las Cruces, Student Workshop with Porfie Maldonado, Presenter, NMCL Board of Directors/Student Representative with workshop participants.