Become a Member

Become a Member

You are welcome to scroll down and join online today If you prefer, you can download our membership form, fill it out and submit it via:

  • Fax: 505-982-4095
  • Snail Mail or in person:
    3209 Mercantile Ct., Ste B
    Santa Fe, NM  87507


An organization’s membership can be an indication of its strength. Grantors, accountability monitoring organizations, and members of the public will occasionally inquire about membership. There are many groups of New Mexicans who have a natural interest in supporting literacy: publishing professionals and companies; those whose profession requires a high level of literacy; alumni of New Mexico colleges and universities; employers; and others who frequently encounter individuals with low literacy skills.

Regardless of your interest in adult literacy, we want and need you to join our cause of teaching adults to read! If you have not yet joined the New Mexico Coalition for Literacy as a member, consider doing so today! Send a check or money order to us for the given amount below; our mailing address is listed above. Be sure to write “membership” and the type of membership you are purchasing in the memo line of your check or money order. Please complete the attached form and send it with your payment so that we may keep you apprised of NMCL business and events. You may also pay via our PayPal link on our webpage. Please mail or fax this form to us via the contact info. above if doing so.

Just a Few BENEFITS of NMCL Membership:

  • Support adult literacy in the State—help the NMCL continue to Empower Adult New Mexicans to Achieve Their Dreams Through the Foundational Tools of Reading, Writing, and Understanding the Written Word by helping us provide essential literacy services to local, volunteer community-based programs and their students;
  • Receive a 10% discount on admission to NMCL Annual Conference and special events;
  • Receive invitations to FREE Regional and statewide professional development opportunities;
  • 1 Volunteer-based adult literacy programs and other nonprofit groups. 2 20 employees or under and other small for-profit groups

    Become a Member Today!

    Please submit your information. You will then be able to purchase the appropriate membership level.

    Your Name (required):



    Mailing Address (required):




    Email (required)

    Membership Level:

    Student or Tutor $10Individual $25Program or Group $40Small Business $65Corporate $100