PROGRAM NAME: Alamo Navajo School Board, Inc.
CONTACT: Marlene T. Herrera, Community Services Director
CONTACT PHONE: (575) 854-2609 EXT 1403
CONTACT: Mary D. Apachito, Secretary
PROGRAM PHONE: (575) 854-2609 EXT 2003
FAX: (575) 854-2545
LOCATION: Alamo Navajo Reservation, Hwy.169 (30 miles north of Magdalena)
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 907, Magdalena, NM 87825
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: Rt. 169, Magdalena, NM 87825
SERVICES OFFERED: ABE, pre-GED and GED preparation classes. ESL instructional methods, interpersonal communication and employability classes, computer assisted instruction (CIA) in reading, writing, and math lessons, and individualized and group counseling in pre-vocational/vocational training opportunities.
SPECIAL FEATURES: The Alamo Career Learning Center utilizes the PLATO curriculum for GED students. Life skills and career exploration curriculum is included.
SPECIAL POPULATIONS: TANF recipients, adult population of Alamo, WIA, alternative high school students, and post-secondary students.