PROGRAM NAME: Adult and Developmental Education: Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI)
CONTACT: Valerie Montoya, Vice President of Academic Affairs
CONTACT PHONE: (505) 346-7728 or (505) 346-2336
FAX: (505) 346-7726
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 9169 Coors Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 10146, Albuquerque, NM 87184
TYPE OF PROGRAM: National Indian Community College accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
SERVICES OFFERED: GED preparation, Adult Basic Education, and Developmental Education for residential or commuter students. Tuition free program, residential fees do apply.
COMMUNITIES SERVED: American Indian students and tribal communities nationally.
PROGRAM NAME: Adult Literacy Movement of Albuquerque (ALMA)
@ Central New Mexico Community College (CNM)
CONTACT: Laura Dulin, ALMA Tutor Coordinator
CONTACT PHONE: (505) 224-4000 ext. 53085
FAX: (505) 224-4319
MAILING ADDRESS: 525 Buena Vista SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 835 Buena Vista SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
TYPE OF PROGRAM: Volunteer tutor program serving English as a Second Language and Basic Literacy adult learners, and an accredited program of ProLiteracy.
SERVICES OFFERED: Same as above.
COMMUNITIES SERVED: Bernalillo County and CNM Adult Basic Education students at the following campus sites: South Valley, Main, Montoya, Rio Rancho, and our new West Side Instructional Facility. It is not necessary to be a CNM student to receive tutoring with this program. All adult learners are welcome. All tutoring services are free
PROGRAM NAME: Albuquerque GED, Inc.
CONTACT: Gloria Rael, Executive Director/ABE Director
CONTACT PHONE: (505) 907-9957
PROGRAM PHONE: (505) 907-9957
FAX: (505) 256-2036
MAILING ADDRESS: Trumbull Family Resource Center, 419 Pennsylvania SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
TYPE OF PROGRAM: Albuquerque GED (ABQ-GED) is a community-based organization that fosters an individual’s desire for education, opportunity and independence.
SERVICES OFFERED: Adult Education and GED preparation, including classes and one-on-one tutoring, Serving ages 16 and over.
COMMUNITIES SERVED: Albuquerque metropolitan area: Alamosa Community Center at 6900 Gonzales Rd, SW 87121; Bernalillo County Computer Clubhouse at 1221 Arenal, SW 87105; Trumbull Family Resource Center at 419 Pennsylvania SE 87108.
PROGRAM NAME: ARCA Literacy Enhancement Center
CONTACT: Sandi Bertholomey, Literacy Coordinator
CONTACT PHONE: (505) 243-3864
FAX: (505) 247-4611
MAILING ADDRESS: 1515 4th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87012
TYPE OF PROGRAM: Community-based organization serving persons with developmental disabilities and mental retardation. Member of ProLiteracy.
SERVICES OFFERED: Two-hour classes Monday through Thursday for basic reading, writing, and computer skills.
COMMUNITIES SERVED: Bernalillo County.
PROGRAM NAME: Catholic Charities
CONTACT: Diane Lozano, Program Director
CONTACT PHONE: (505) 724-4644
FAX: (505) 247-8335
MAILING ADDRESS: 2010 Bridge Blvd. SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105
TYPE OF PROGRAM: Community-based organization.
SERVICES OFFERED: Free adult education classes. Classes include: English as a Second Language, Spanish and English GED, Citizenship, ESL/Basic computer skills training. One-on-one tutoring is available (first served: students who are participating in classes).
SPECIAL POPULATIONS: Low-income Bernalillo County residents, refugee, and immigrant populations.
PROGRAM NAME: Central New Mexico Community College: Adult Basic Education Program
CONTACT: Carol Culver, Director of Adult Basic Education
CONTACT PHONE: (505) 224-3935
FAX: (505) 224-4273
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 525 Buena Vista SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
TYPE OF PROGRAM: Adult Basic Education in a community college.
COMMUNITIES SERVED: Bernalillo and Sandoval counties.
PROGRAM NAME: Family Promise of Albuquerque
CONTACTS: Julie Skelton, Executive Director and Laura Combs, Literacy Center Coordinator
CONTACT PHONE: (505) 268-0331
FAX: (505) 268-0331
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 2801 Lomas BLVD NE #B4 Albuquerque, NM 87106
TYPE OF PROGRAM: Non-Profit homeless shelter for families with minor children
SERVICES OFFERED: Shelter, assisted job search, basic literacy tutoring, and GED preparation. ALL services are for families with minor children who are homeless.
CONTACT: Susan Sanchez, Regional Coordinator
CONTACT PHONE: (505) 766-4958
FAX: (505) 265-0420
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 5101 Copper Ave. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
TYPE OF PROGRAM: Community-based organization serving economically disadvantaged youth and adults in various New Mexico communities.
SERVICES OFFERED: Workforce training programs for low income community and migrant/ seasonal farm workers, and emergency assistance.
Classes include: English as a Second Language, GED preparation, and labor market orientation. Adult Basic Education referrals and work experience or on the job training are offered.
Other trainings offered: financial literacy, career exploration, WRAT-TABE, classroom, pesticide/heat stress. See the web site for a complete listing of HELP New Mexico services.
COMMUNITIES SERVED: Bernalillo County, Torrance County, Sandoval County.
PROGRAM NAME: New Mexico Corrections Department Education Bureau
CONTACT: Sharon Steen, ABE Programs Coordinator
CONTACT PHONE: (575) 625-3121
FAX: (575) 625-3172
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: Casa Nor Este Building, 3415 Pan American Freeway NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107
TYPE OF PROGRAM: Adult Basic Education, literacy, and English as a Second Language to inmates in state correctional facilities.
SERVICES OFFERED: Individual literacy tutoring in all areas, ESL, GED preparation, college courses, pre-release program, and vocational programs.
COMMUNITIES SERVED: State corrections.
PROGRAM NAME: Reading Works, Inc.
CONTACT: Esodie Geiger, Program Coordinator
PROGRAM PHONE: (505) 321-9620
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 1113 Rhode Island St. NE Suite B, Albuquerque, NM 87110
TYPE OF PROGRAM: The focus of Reading Works is to teach adults English as a Second (ESL) or Other Language (ESOLA) and Basic Literacy (BL), using highly trained volunteer tutors and flexible programming.
SERVICES OFFERED: Individual literacy tutoring.
COMMUNITIES SERVED: Albuquerque and Bernalillo County