PROGRAM NAME: Carlsbad Literacy Program
CONTACT: Chelsey Heine, Director
PROGRAM PHONE: (575) 885-1752
FAX: (575) 885-7980
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: The Ann Wood Literacy Center, 511 North 12th Street, Carlsbad NM 88220
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 3112, Carlsbad, NM 88221
TYPE OF PROGRAM: Volunteer literacy program, and an accredited program of ProLiteracy America and a member.
SERVICES OFFERED: One-on-one and small group instruction in basic literacy, English as a Second Language, Citizenship, the Rosetta Stone Program, basic keyboarding and computer, and General Education Diploma (GED). Small group tutoring is offered in English as a Second Language.
SPECIAL FEATURES: Self-paced and small group tutorials, flexible scheduling
PROGRAM NAME: NMSU – Carlsbad Adult Basic Education
CONTACT: Bertha Jasso, ABE Director
CONTACT PHONE: (575) 234-9254
FAX: (575) 234-9255
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 1500 University Drive, Carlsbad, NM 88220
TYPE OF PROGRAM: Offers free literacy classes to qualified adult learners each semester. Formal classroom instruction mixed with self-paced and individualized learning opportunities.
SERVICES OFFERED: Training offerings include: GED preparation, English as a Second Language, and basic skills review (all areas). Pre-post skills testing is required of all participants. Classes are conducted at sites in Carlsbad, Loving, and Artesia.
SPECIAL POPULATIONS: Academically and/or economically disadvantaged community adults, qualified GED candidates, qualified disabled or special-needs entrants, community service agency referrals, incarcerated adults (Carlsbad only), and adults 18 years of age or older.