PROGRAM NAME: Partners for Success
CONTACT: Anthony Riley, Director
CONTACT PHONE: (505) 552-9322
PROGRAM PHONE: (505) 552-9323
FAX: (505) 552-9341
WEBSITE: then link to <programs>
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 207, Laguna, NM 87026 (Please specify contact or department’s name)
TYPE OF PROGRAM: Employment and training, higher education, student support, and vocational rehabilitation.
SERVICES OFFERED: The Higher Education Program provides services to help individuals obtain and maintain employment. Services include: financial support and assistance to earn a GED – classes are offered on-site, testing is off-site; career counseling, assistance with job search, financial assistance to obtain vocational training, and work experience, including a Summer Youth Employment Program. Student Support services include tutoring for K-12 students and assistance with college entrance exam fees.