PROGRAM NAME: Adult Basic Education (Ohkay Owingeh site): Eight Northern Indian Pueblos/Northern New Mexico College
CONTACT: Robin Duran
PROGRAM PHONE: (505) 747-2195
FAX: (505) 747-5438
MAILING ADDRESS: 921 Paseo De Onoate, Espanola, NM 87532
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 352 Po’pay Avenue, Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, NM 87566
TYPE OF PROGRAM: GED Preparation and Pre-GED/Basic Skills Improvement (BSI)
SERVICES OFFERED: Study lab sessions and tutoring; weekdays
COMMUNITIES SERVED: Alcade, Chamita, El Duende, Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, San Juan, and Ranchitos
POPULATION SERVED: GED/Pre-GED: Persons 18 years of age
Pre-GED who are 16 or 17 years of age: must have formally withdrawn from k-12 school and completed a GED Underage Verification Form. BSI: must have skills below the 12th grade level on assessment. Must be able to independently complete an intake form and follow the directions on assessment test.