You must submit a request in writing. You may submit your request by e-mail to , by fax to 505-982-4095 or by mail to the address listed below. Please include the following information:
- Name of contact person, title, organization, phone number, email address, and mailing address;
- Describe the type of training or technical assistance you need;
- Approximate number of participants (must be 10 or more);
- Date(s) or range of dates for the training desired; please allow 6-8 weeks advance notice, though we are always happy to provide a training on the fly based upon trainer availability and budget;
- Please call or write if you have any questions.
The NMCL will contact you upon receipt of your program’s request and will finalize arrangements with the point of contact.
A contract (“Three-Way Agreement,” i.e. a memorandum of understanding) will be drawn with your program. Generally, the NMCL underwrites all trainer/consultant fees. A contract is drawn with your program simply to clarify organizational roles and responsibilities.
New Mexico Coalition for Literacy
3209 Mercantile Ct. Ste. B
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
505-982-4095 (fax)