History of program: review of program and its mission
- The program supports ____ tutor and ____ students
- The program is nationally accredited by ProLiteracy
- The New Mexico Coalition for Literacy (NMCL) is the statewide organization for local literacy programs. NMCL also provides our trainers.
- Review Volunteer Job Description, professional expectations, and reporting requirements
- Review program policies and procedures
Basic Literacy or ESL – Basic Literacy tutors are matched one-on-one with students who read at or below a 6th grade level to improve their reading and writing skills.
ESL tutors are matched one-to-one with students needing to learn English (listening and speaking)
Teaching versus tutoring – Teaching follows a curriculum. Tutoring is student centered. It is a collaborative process. Tutors help students reach their individual goals.
What you will learn in training:
- Student centered
- Skill development
- Multiple techniques
- Student assessment
Tutoring in action:
- Tutor only in public places (not in private homes)
- Your first meetings should be getting to know each other
- Keep in touch with your program if you have any problems/questions
- Tutor and/or student can be re-matched – no questions asked
- Program does not give out tutor’s phone number; it is up to you if you want to share it with your student
Activities for volunteer tutors prior to tutor training:
- Observing a tutoring session
- Reading through their ESL or BL training manuals
- Organize a tour of the program’s resource library
- Suggest a trip to the public library to browse the adult interest low level books
Other positions that volunteers can fill if tutoring is not a good match.
Determine which kind of tutoring each individual tutor will do.
Wrap-up: Paperwork, reporting sheets, and distribute training books